New Generation Of Yobity.

To whom this may concern. The person writing this post is most likely not the Yobity you think he is. The last user of Yobity gave me his accounts of Yobity and he does not want anything else to do with Yobity or 62. I as the new user of Yobity I will be using this WordPress account. No I will not be making anything to do with Club Penguin. The only few reasons for this website is so I can carry on with my clan gaming on Xbox live. Yes ever since 2009 I have owned the gamer tag Yobity with the permission of  “the old Yobity”. Basically the old user of Yobity gave the username to me for all the websites it’s been registered for and I attendant  to use this site only because of it’s views and attention on Google. Also the old user of Yobity would like me to inform whoever reads this that the 17(10) and 62 era is done and over with so there needs to be absolutely NO gossip of the subject. With all of that out of the way I would soon like to introduce my new clan called W.A.N.G to this website. Give me time to fix up my W.A.N.G and I guarantee you that you would have a wonderful time in our new and soon to be official clan. The purpose of my clan is not for competitive reasons it is for having extreme fun in custom games, private matches, and funtages. Our capture-card will be up soon so we can record our fun on Xbox live.  I myself think that I’m an easy going and fun person. My current gamer tag is Yobity. My gamer tag used to be I Pwn Lady GaGa, xMadxLuckyx, and Jordan Is Hairy. But as I said my current gamer tag is Yobity. I am a very cool person and I’m not some little boy with some Aaron Carter voice. Feel free to add me so we can all have a little fun!

Willing to give website up or delete it.

Who ever still goes on this and who ever is still playing club penguin, I’m giving up the website because for some reason whenever I get on the internet this website is my home page and the only way I can fix my home page is either give the website to some one else or delete it. I’ve been looking around and apparently some of you haven’t realized yet that this “CP Armies” thing is just fucked over. So if you want you want to be a stupid idiot and if you want your website on google then comment on this post saying you want it. But first thing is first my little cuz might want this website for his xbox live clan gaming shit. So lets hope one of you take this website a month from now. I hope most of you had matured by now and realized that the outside world is almost half decent.


If any one was wondering…

Hello all! I was really bored and was wondering whats goin’ on? I just remembered my wordpress password and wanted to see how many people have looked at the site. If your reading this post I want you to say something that you’ve done sense… uh gotta think of this in a nice way…. *5 minutes later* sense the little incident of little whine arses. Wasn’t really nice =/, eh i did my best. I’m never coming back I just had nothing to do for once in my life. So well post a comment on what you’ve done, what your going to do, what you want to do, or something like that. Hope to hear responses.

For that little sneaky fox…


Oh btw i my secondary code is- 445-976-334-684-9863

This is account hacks its non of any ones business.

Yobbie is savin deh day again.

1st off im not leader, nots is so we play under his rules. im not rejoining, im not using proper grammar, im just fixing shit up again, site will be all redone, we all know the REAL truth now.

Who was right? Waz up.

OK u got ur asses kicked by commando.  And he says im his friend now which im so confused. Well to solve this situation i got u guys a chat for right now until u figure out wtf u need to do. K chat down bottom.

UPDATE: my bad this is the chat:


What happened? and chat are messed up…what happened?

The bad guy IS the good guy.


K join if u want. Coff you got a prob with it? So sue me.

Thank you 62.

You all know what to do.

1. How long have you been in Club Penguin war?

2. Will you always be loyal to our army?

3. What other armies have you been or are still in?

4. What rank(s) were you?

5. If I have an assignment that must be followed under all of my orders that you may or may not like, would you do it?(This question still hasn’t been answered right.)

Trying to set me up eh? and megan is awesome…

UPDATE: shove this in ur pie hole commando:


Hey guys. Commando trying to set me up again. Let me tell you how this epic fail happened. 1st of all i just wanna give my self a pat on the back for figuring this out in 2 minutes. So you know commandos newest rebellion, well yeaaaaaah douche bags again. So commando ended up recruiting black heart who is on the iw site as a admin or somethin. so heres the gayest part. They sabotaged themselves and put gay men on there website and made a post saying that i hacked them and did it. Ok fack yew ppls who r haters rite? so these ppl sabotage their own major army just to make me look like the jack ass. ROUND!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?  Let me tell you how i figured this out. Well im just a smart cookie because 1 wordpress cant be hacked any more, heck to think about it i dont think u can put viruses inside the links of it. 2 i decided to look at 1 of commandos hater websites. I figured to look at the RECENT comments and little do i see is blackhearts comment on joining the rebellion on the 9th, todays the 11th if im correct.   EPIC FAILURE! If ur gonna set someone up u need to look at all of the evidence. This is why some people cant call the smart people dumb asses. im so floored right now im not even correcting grammer.  Heres a pic of the comment in case commando deletes it…..

Oh click the pic to see it i was to lazy to size it down…